Blog of the Angels

1001 angelical secrets to share

117 Angel Number: A Number leading to New Beginnings and Spirituality

117 Angel Number

There are various numbers, each with their own meanings, which the angels could send as support and encouragement. One of them is the 117 angel number. Angel numbers are special messages used by divine beings to communicate with the human world. If you ever wondered why a certain number keeps appearing in front of you […]

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Discovering the Meaning and Symbolism of the 544 Angel Number

544 angel number

Seeing angel numbers is not an accident or a coincidence. These numbers could be the messages angels use to communicate with the human realm. And you might be receiving one if the same number appears in front of you repeatedly. Discover the angelic meaning and symbolism of the 544 angel number. The Symbolism of the Angel […]

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Purple Aura Guide – Exploring the Different Shades of the Purple Aura!

Purple Aura

With auras appearing in pretty much any color, it can be difficult to grasp a deep understanding of what each color actually means. With multiple shades of each color, the task becomes all the more difficult and so in this article, we’re going to explore just one color in particular: the purple aura meaning. So […]

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Clairaudience: 6 ways to develop your clairaudient abilities


You may be wondering what clairaudience is. To put it simply, those who possess clairaudient ability are able to hear the non-physical. What I mean by this is that they can hear spiritual beings from beyond the material world. Depending on your faith, clairaudience could mean hearing ghosts, angels, those in Heaven, or even out-with […]

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1717 Angel Numbers

1717 angel numbers

Angel numbers have the potential to appear anywhere. This article will look specifically at angel numbers 1 and 7. As well as what the 1717 angel numbers meaning. So whether you’ve started seeing the numbers 1717 repeatedly in your life or perhaps you’re just curious as to what it means this article will aim to […]

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The Pure Magic of Palo Santo and How to Use it in Your Spiritual Practice

Palo Santo

Palo Santo is a wild tree that grows in Mexico. It means “Holy Wood”. Now, that sounds special, does it not? It has many healing and spiritual properties that can benefit you in many ways. Palo Santo benefits Still not sure of how wonderful of wood Palo Santo is? You will want to have it […]

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Chakra Healing with Metatron’s Cube

Metatron's Cube

You must be wondering what Metatron’s Cube is? It is a geometric instrument through which energy flows. It owns the Archangel Metatron who is the Angel of life. This cube has all the shapes inscribed in it that are a part of God’s creation. These shapes represent all the things that God has created. Metatron’s […]

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True Spiritual Ascension Meaning

Ascension meaning

According to people, there are various definitions of Ascension that mean a lot of things. The dictionary meaning is the deed of ascent or ascending to be climbed up or to rise. The notion or ascension meaning itself can be clarified in numerous different backgrounds relying on the spiritual philosophy or tradition. Ascension meaning The […]

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