

Angel Number 666 meaning

666 meaning

It is believed that number 666 is evil, that this specific number is Devil’s number or a code of his real name. According to the Bible, 666 is the meaning, name or number of the “wild beast” that comes out of the sea and has seven heads and ten horns. Discover and know more about this […]

Archangel of Abundance and Prosperity

Archangel of Abundance

As a child of God, it is your divine right to receive abundance at every stage of your life. God and the Angels want you to be prosperous therefore, we all have an Archangel of abundance and prosperity. Their job is to listen to you when you invoke them and help you find solutions to […]

Archangel Gabriel

archangel gabriel

Known as the angel of revelation, Archangel Gabriel has a very significant role in many religions. Gabriel means “Strong Man of God.” The name itself shows how important of an angel is. He is often met in dreams by many people. Whenever you encounter white or copper light, it is a sign that He was a […]

What Are Incarnated Angels?

incarnated angels

Incarnated angels are exactly what you are thinking of. They are angels who have been sent to Earth in the form of humans to fulfill specific missions entailed upon them by God. They are often called “Earth Angels” because they appear on Earth in the human form but are angels. The mission that an incarnated […]

Clairsentience: 7 signs you are clairsentient


How can you know if you are clairsentient or if you have the gift or skills to practice clairsentience and do clairsentience readings? Uncover below Seven Signs showing you have the clairsentience ability. Definition : What is clairsentience? Clairsentience definition is simple: it means a clear sensation. You intuitively feel and sense through different kinds of […]

Angel Number 000 . . . What Does It Mean?

000 Angel Number

The recurrence of number sequences in your life is a sign from the spirit world and the angels. These numbers are called “Angel Numbers” and can come in any form to you. Today, we will be looking specifically at the 000 angel number. What comes to your mind when I ask you about the meaning […]

Full Moon Water to Recharge Your Body, Mind, and Spirit!

moon water

Has it ever happened to you that you had a long day of back to back meetings scheduled with different clients and you are on your way back from office tired and very sleepy… All of a sudden, the full moon rises above you, and you start to feel a crazy sense of energy inside […]

How to know if you are bewitched

know whether we are bewitched

We sometimes think that bad luck sticks to us like glue and that we are the victims of an evil spell. But how to differentiate between an unfortunate coincidence and a spell? Here are a few questions to ask yourself to find and know whether we are bewitched or not. Bewitchment in response to an […]