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3 Steps for a Creative Visualization

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3 steps for a creative visualization

In this article, we will answer the question: what is creative visualization. Whether you’re completely new to the term or are aware (or have even used it before) this article will act as a guide through the entire process. We’ll explore the basic techniques and show you 3 steps for a creative visualization. We’ll also cover some common questions such as whether there is a difference between visualization and imagination, why visualizing your dreams helps you accomplish them and more. As always, we’ll start off by taking a look at the basics: what is creative visualization?

The Basics

So what exactly is Creative Visualization? In simple terms, it’s an idea that stems from the law of attraction. If you focus on what you want then you’ll be more likely to achieve that goal than by focusing on why it’s out of your reach.

This form of visualization is nothing new and even though it might sound a little crazy at first, it makes perfect sense when you stop and think about it. To give you an example, say you wanted to become an author.

Are you going to achieve that goal by assuming you’ll never become one? Of course not. You have to acknowledge that you’re capable and then proceed under that assumption.

The Power of Imagination and Visualization

When it comes to the power of imagination and visualization, you’re probably wondering if there is a difference between the two. The short answer is yes…but perhaps not in the ways you may think.

When it comes to dream visualization (another term for creative visualization), you’re using your imagination in order to visualize.

One important thing to keep in mind is that you’re trying to keep your visualizations realistic and achievable. We’re all guilty of allowing our minds to wander to crazy places once we start letting our imaginations flow freely.

The 3 Steps for a Creative Visualization

Now we’ll take a look at how you can use this process in order to visualize your dream and hopefully achieve it.

Step 1 –  Prepare yourself for the creative visualization process.

Each person has their own unique way of doing this. Essentially, you want your mind and body to be relaxed and peaceful. Some people choose to meditate before beginning dream visualization.

Some people will even use their meditative mindset as a platform through which to carry out their visualization. If you’re not a huge meditation fan, you could choose something more simple like taking a relaxing bath or shower, carrying out some yoga or perhaps simply lying down is enough for you.

You can use some relaxing music if you like but just make sure it isn’t too distracting. It should be slow and lyric free.

Step 2 – This is where you want to begin your visualization.

Remember that while you are using your imagination, you need to still remain realistic. Visualize the simplest form of your goal first so if it’s becoming an author then perhaps visualize completing your first book.

Don’t go wild by jumping straight to the movie adaption of your book or picturing yourself walking down the red carpet at the premiere.

Once you have successfully visualized the simpler aspects, then you can move up to the higher, more specific parts of your goal.

Step 3 – Creative Visualization isn’t something you can do once and expect to see results.

It’s more akin to a gym routine. If you go to the gym once, it’s likely that nothing will improve. If you go for a week then you may notice a difference, a month even more so.

After a year, the changes will be obvious. So try to repeat this 3 steps for a creative visualization as often as you can, ideally daily. But don’t stress out if you miss a few days.

The important thing is to return to it as often as possible.

Following Up on your Creative Visualization

Dream visualization doesn’t end there and there are some follow-up steps to take into consideration as you continue. These steps are outside the act of visualization and relate more to your life as a whole.

Don’t forget that visualization on its own won’t get you anywhere. If we stick with the author example, you’re not going to become an author if you don’t write.

So practice when you can, work on whatever stories you have and continue to try to achieve your goal. This applies to any goal, no matter what it is.

Trust your instincts

You will likely find that as your visualization begins to take effect, new opportunities will present themselves.

You need to remain focused on achieving your goal and if it means taking a chance by trying new experiences, then that’s a step you’re going to have to take.

You also need to focus on the positive aspects of achieving your goal. Don’t focus on why you might fail or why it won’t happen, focus on what qualities you have that will help you.

Also, remember to think back to past experiences that add support as to why you can achieve your dream and don’t be afraid to repeat when necessary the 3 steps for a creative visualization.

Don’t Lose Faith with the 3 Steps for a Creative Visualization

It’s vital to keep in mind that this isn’t a quick fix. This sort of visualization will take time, work and effort. It’s natural after a while to begin to lose hope or heart.

When this happens, simply remember why you wanted to achieve that goal in the first place. You can always revert back to visualizing the more basic elements and be sure to visualize why you enjoy achieving that dream.

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