Archangel of Abundance and Prosperity

Archangel of Abundance

As a child of God, it is your divine right to receive abundance at every stage of your life. God and the Angels want you to be prosperous therefore, we all have an Archangel of abundance and prosperity. Their job is to listen to you when you invoke them and help you find solutions to issues in life or to grant what you have asked them for; as long as your prayers are genuine. 

There are many Archangels of prosperity and abundance, which you can invoke. Each of them is unique and special in its nature. To experience abundance is to feel an overflowing fullness of what you need and desire. 

Table of Contents

Discovering Angelic Support and Guidance

When it comes to discovering the path to abundance and prosperity, your angels will always play a key role. We’re going to consider just some of the ways that your angels can help you with this goal or objective.

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It may be in the form of love, relationships, work, and of course, financial abundance. Get ready to invoke an Archangel of abundance and prosperity into your life to receive all the gifts and guidance from him. Are you ready to receive and enjoy it?

Working with angels will help you remain on your spiritual path, as you’ll always be guided in the direction that best serves the light. Here are just a few examples of how your angels can help you achieve prosperity:

  • Your angels can help you let go of the past in order to work towards your future. We sometimes become stuck in what was instead of thinking about what could be.
  • Your angels can guide you to new opportunities. When it comes to prosperity, it might simply be about meeting the right people or stumbling across a steppingstone that you wouldn’t have considered otherwise e.g. a new job or a hidden financial opportunity.
  • Finally, your angels can lead you to important resources. We never know what path the route to prosperity will take. It might be the case that education is your next step, even if it costs money. It’s also possible you may need to relocate or invest your time in a seemingly non-beneficial practice.

Praying to the Archangels of Abundance

People often worry that they’ll pray incorrectly. They are concerned that if they use the wrong words or think the wrong thoughts that they will be ignored by the angels. The truth is that prayer is more than just words. It is also an intention!

When you pray, the words or thoughts you use are simply meant to guide your intention, but your angels will always understand the main function of your prayer.

Praying doesn’t involve magic words or ritualistic positions. There are really only two things you must keep in mind:

  • First of all, be respectful. You never want to be rude, demanding, or ungrateful towards your angels. They are here to support and help you, so don’t take that for granted. You’re not expected or encouraged to worship them but don’t treat them like spiritual servants.
  • Secondly, speak from the heart and soul. Humans have a tendency to overthink most aspects of life, including prayer. When you reach out to your angels, do so with your spirit and you’ll always feel like you’ve sent the truest of energies in their direction.

A Simple Prayer of Abundance

Here’s a simple example of a prayer that you can use. It’s a general and open prayer that isn’t directed towards a specific angel or Archangel.

This is the type of prayer for the abundance that you might use each night before you go to sleep, or each morning when you wake up:

Beloved healers and insightful teachers, to the majesty of the universe and

the source of all energy and power, I reach out to you now.

To the Archangels who guide humanity and

to the angels who do the same, I reach out to you now.

I ask that you hear my prayer and help lead me to abundance.

I thank you for all that you’ve done for me,

and I ask that you light the way so that

I may continue on my journey.


Archangels that help you increase abundance and prosperity

There are also some prayers you can carry out to specific Archangels, so let’s take a look at them now. Certain Archangels have the pleasure of assisting you in ways so you can experience more prosperity and abundance in your life.

Archangel Raziel

The name of Archangel Raziel means “Secret of God.” Mysterious as it sounds, Raziel is the Archangel that helps manifest abundance and prosperity; the Archangel of abundance and prosperity. It is believed that Raziel stands at God’s throne and records everything God says.

We should all understand how to increase prosperity and abundance! Invoking the power of Archangels and sayings prayers for abundance symbolizes important steps along your spiritual path as it represents your ability to learn and grow.

As you learn to trust in your abilities, you will begin to understand the meaning behind more aspects of your journey.

How do you ask the angels for help?

It is known that Raziel wrote all of his recordings in the book known as “The Book of Angel Raziel.” He knows all the mysteries of this universe thus if you invoke him.

He will use his divine magic to help you manifest abundance and prosperity.

Prayer to invoke Angel Raziel:

Raziel, the gifts of the universe are in your hands,

so please help me fulfill my wishes.

Help me to increase the amount of prosperity and

abundance in my life, equip me with tools

to manifest abundance and prosperity in my life.

Allow me to receive gifts of your divine magic so

that the number of miracles in my life

also increases to a number greater than it is now.

Archangel Gadiel

The name of this Angel means “God is my wealth.” He is known as the holiest of all the other Angels and is known to have great powers.

To make use of His powers, keep repeating His name over a period and He will come to assist you in whatever you need assistance in.

Prayer to invoke Angel Gadiel:

Gadiel, Gadiel, Gadiel, I need your assistance in my life right now.

Any unconscious or conscious obstruction in my brain that exists,

please free me from it so I can gain the maximum abundance

and prosperity from life. I need your help,

as I am worthy to deserve the best in life.

Clarify me and show me the path that leads to abundance

and prosperity, so I know which way to walk on.

I do not want to go astray, help me.

Archangel Pathiel

Pathiel’s name means “The Opener”. If you want to open your gates to the manifestation of abundance and prosperity, He is the one to call upon. Also known to be one of the Archangels of abundance and prosperity.

If you wish or desire something, invoke Angel Pathiel. Let all your desires be known to Him and surrender your thoughts over. Once your prayer is heard, He will answer.

Prayer to invoke Angel Pathiel:

Pathiel, my wishes have been surrendered to you by this prayer.

I know you have the power to manifest abundance and prosperity.

I ask you to assist and guide me to open my fortune

in a way that everything can easily flow into my life;

especially abundance and prosperity.

I put my trust in you by making this prayer,

and I know that my prayer will be answered.

Archangel Barakiel

Barakiel is an ancient Angel whose name means, “God’s Blessing.” Being the Angel of good fortune, He will assist in opening your heart in ways that abundance will get attracted to you and you only.

He is also referred to as one of the Archangels of abundance. He will always encourage you to keep expecting abundance in your life once you have invoked Him.

Prayer to invoke Angel Barakiel:

Barakiel, I make this prayer with the intent that

you can open my heart so I can be prone

to receive the good fortune that I deserve.

I want to invite the gifts of abundance and

prosperity in my life, and for this, I seek your help guidance.

Please guide me and lead me to a path

where I can stay positive and can draw

all the positivity into my life like a magnet attracting metals.

I want to fulfill my desires, and I look upon you for help.

Archangel Gamaliel

Gamaliel means “Recompense of God.” Known to be one of the most generous Angels, he is a gracious gift giver. If you want to create your Heaven on Earth, he is your Archangel of abundance and prosperity to invoke.

He can serve you to create money, joy, and happiness. His sources are so vast that you could never have thought that you could find abundance in such places.

Prayer to invoke Angel Gamaliel:

Gamaliel, being the gracious gift giver, I make this prayer to you,

to ask you for help to fulfill my wishes.

You have the power of performing miracles and

making my dreaspiritual chilms and wishes would come true.

I put my trust in you so that you can make this happen.

I am fully open and truthful to you

by placing my intent  and desires in front of you.

Thank you, Gamaliel, for being so gracious.

Archangel Metatron

Being one of only two Archangels believed to be ascended humans, Metatron can help guide you towards creating positive change within your life.

As it happens, his name translates as meaning ‘The Angel of Life’. Archangel Metatron offers a new perspective on stagnating problems and can offer support when your own motivation is at a low level.

Prayer to Invoke Archangel Metatron:

Oh Metatron, Archangel of Life,

I call for your guidance as I search for truth and wisdom

along my own spiritual journey.

Please lead me in the right direction

and help me to find the answers that I seek.

I hope and pray that these answers will lead me

along a path toward abundance and prosperity.

Communicate with the Archangels of Abundance and Prosperity

The above Archangels all hold a direct connection to abundance and prosperity, but there are also those who hold an indirect connection to these qualities as well. Here is a summary of some additional Archangels who you can pray to or invoke for matters related to prosperity.

  • Archangel Ariel – Ariel is known for overseeing the duties of other Archangels, and that includes those responsible for prosperity and abundance. She will help guide you in the right direction for any matter. Abundance doesn’t always appear in the way we may expect, so if Ariel leads you to a job or idea, trust that this path is the right one.
  • Archangel Hamied – Although one of the lesser-known Archangels, Hamied is known as the ‘Archangel of Miracles’. What is a miracle? It’s when an event transpires in your favor that seems to go against all that is rational or reasonable. Primarily though, Hamied helps those who lose their faith, meaning that abundance may come in the form of a newfound sense of belief.
  • Archangel Sachiel – This Archangel plays a vital role in the continuing flow of spiritual energy. If you develop blockages (Chakra or psychic) or find that your vibrational energy level is slowing, Sachiel is who you should pray to. These are areas of life that can limit your progress, regardless of your goals.
  • Archangel Haniel – Emotional wounds and trauma can function as anchors in our life, in that they stop you from moving forward. It’s impossible to achieve abundance when your life becomes stagnated, and so Haniel can offer guidance on how to finally let go of these anchors.

Some Additional Archangels

  • Archangel Jeremial – If you’re struggling to make life decisions, such as those related to your finances or the development of wealth, then Jeremial can help. You are in charge of your destiny, and so you must choose your own path, but some paths will serve you better than others.
  • Archangel Michael – Being both the Archangel of Protection and the leader of the Archangels, Michael can help guide you towards strength and courage. When we feel weak and cowardly, we lack the qualities necessary to achieve abundance.
  • Archangel Raguel – This Archangel deals with the development and upkeep of relationships. Relationships don’t just exist between people, but rather with everything in the universe. You likely have a positive or negative relationship with money and finances, and it’s important that you understand the nature of this relationship in order to improve it.
  • Archangel Sandalphon – As one of the angels responsible for the communication of prayers from Earth to spiritual beings (including God), Sandalphon can help you to send clear communications. He’s also responsible for helping those with musical pursuits, which may be where your desire for abundance lies.
  • Archangel Zacharael – Zacharael helps you to get rid of damaging habits or destructive thoughts or tendencies. This can include anything from depression to alcoholism or gambling problems. If something is blocking your path, this Archangel can offer guidance for climbing over the obstacle.
  • Archangel Zadkiel – Finally, we have Zadkiel, the Archangel of Change and Transformation. Zadkiel helps you to realize the opportunities that are right in front of you, even if you currently perceive them as being obstacles. The path to abundance and prosperity could be on the other side!

Understanding the Archangel of Abundance

Abundance is not just about having money and wealth. It is about having love, happiness, good health, and good relationships too; and all the other things that are necessary for us to survive.

The Angels know that the biggest obstruction to receiving abundance is when you feel unworthy to get something. If this is what you think, ask an Archangel of abundance to open your heart so you can resolve this issue.

Another issue with receiving abundance is that you have received so much that you have started becoming selfish about it. In reality, when you have enough of a thing you should share it with others and not be selfish about it.

When you have learned to accept it for yourself, you should teach others to receive it for themselves as well; that is how an Archangel of abundance and prosperity will be pleased with you.

How do I ask Archangel Chamuel for help?

Yes, there are also Angels of wealth who bring you financial assistance. These Angels of wealth bless you with Angel’s money, which is to be used in good places. These Angels of wealth are also the Archangels of prosperity and abundance.

They can be invoked by prayers made depending on what you wish to call them upon.  Archangel Chamuel is a good example.

You can use the following prayer to receive abundance:

Dearest angels, open my heart and help me

heal and recognize that I am worthy and

deserving of receiving God’s gifts of abundance into my life.

Help me remember there is more than enough and

it is my divine birthright to experience abundance in all ways:

love, joy, happiness, healtspiritual chilh, wealth, and fulfillment.

An Archangel of abundance and prosperity knows that everyone deserves the gifts of abundance, so let him get to you so you can receive their gifts of abundance.

Meditation is a great and effective way to reach out to your Archangel of abundance and prosperity.

Process to meditate

Find a quiet and peaceful place to sit where no one can disturb you while you are meditating. You have the option of playing soft-toned music in the background if you desire. Write the prayers you want to make to your Archangel of abundance and prosperity and share them.

Take deep breaths and set your mind free. Empty your mind of everything that you had previously been thinking of, and everything that you saw or thought of before closing your eyes. Take deep breaths and do not let any thoughts get the better of you.

Calling the Archangel for help

Call an Archangel of abundance and prosperity and ask him to create a beautiful circle of sacred light around you. Now, embrace the divine light that descends upon you and starts thinking that you have received what you had asked the Archangels of prosperity and abundance for.

Imagine as if you are in your Heaven placed on Earth and breathe into the abundance of light that surrounds you. Now that you have started thinking that you got all that you asked an Archangels of abundance and prosperity for, what are you going to do?

What are your actions as your desires have been fulfilled for you? How do you feel? What kind of thoughts occupy your mind? Breathe slowly and deeply. How do you enjoy your life in this sacred circle?

Let it all in, and feel every moment you experience. Now, ask an Archangel of abundance and prosperity to fulfill ALL your desires. Think of yourself standing in the center of the sacred circle where you are being attracted by magnets to fulfill all your desires.

Take a moment out to thank the Archangels of prosperity and abundance for making you feel the great joy that you deserved.

Angel prayer for wealth

Wealth is something we all desire in huge sums and can never get enough of. As there are Archangels of abundance and prosperity, there are Angels of wealth who help you with your financial issues.

The role of these Angels is to bring you wealth. They specifically are given the task to assist us with financial issues. The Angel of wealth once invoked will always be around you and will be making sure that at every stage of life you are progressing financially.

The Angel of wealth has changed the life of many people and had the capacity to change yours too. The only thing you need to do is invoke Him in the right manner. Once invoked, the Angel will bring you wealth and financial success that you did not think you were capable of receiving.

The Angel of wealth invocation is very simple and needs less commitment as compared with other invocations. It is worth invoking the Angel of wealth whether or not you are going through a financial crisis.

Angel of good fortune

To invoke your Angel of good fortune and wealth to that, the Angel brings you the wealth you should first cleanse your heart. You should not have any selfish desires or any intent to harm anyone using the help of the Angel of wealth. Like this, he would bless you with.

Let you Angel of wealth knows of the need of you asking for financial assistance.

The Angel’s power will not reach you if you are not deserving of it. Express the reason why and what issues you are having related to your finances so He can help you.

Lastly, ask for courage and strength so that you do not give up just because of the problems in life letting you down. These Angels of wealth are also our Archangels of abundance and prosperity and will guide and help us in any way possible.

The Angel’s wealth received by you will be like a blessing and whatever purpose you use it for will also, therefore, be blessed. For example, if you use Angel’s money to set up a new business, that business will very likely be successful, and you will generate a lot of revenue from it.

The Angel that brings wealth always blesses it so that whatever purpose you use it for becomes a blessing in your life.

Angel of Prosperity is with you

An Archangel of abundance and prosperity is never too far away from you to be called upon. He is always available for you, all you need to do is make prayer to him so he can come to assist you.

Make sure your intention of calling upon him is pure and pious. Any prayer intended to harm any individual, made to an Archangel of abundance and prosperity, will not be answered.

Be truthful to yourself and to your Archangel of prosperity and abundance.

Independent Abundance Pathways

Although the angels will always offer you support and guidance, the responsibility for putting their advice into practice will always be on you. The final steps on the path to abundance and prosperity are yours to take, but here are some tips for stepping in the right direction.

  • Follow the advice of your angels, even if it seems counterproductive. You’ll notice that such advice will never feel counterintuitive, and that’s because, on some deeper level, you know that it’s the right direction to go in.
  • Remain positive and optimistic, no matter what obstacles or challenges you may face. The path to prosperity isn’t always straightforward. If it was, everyone would do it without hesitation. Consider that your journey will provide you with the skills, resources, or connections necessary to reach the destination.
  • Remain gracious and grateful in all that you do. Don’t allow abundance to turn into greed! Always remember that balance is important in every aspect of life. If you have more than you need, share it with those who don’t. Remember that you were once in a position similar to them.

Discover some more prayers from Padre: