Archangel Raziel Meditation is known to be the most effective and efficient to make the magic of the universe available to you and for you to open yourself up to the love and light of the Divine universe.
Archangel Raziel Meditation – The Divine Light
You need to breathe and relax to make this happen as the angels and the Earthly elements guide you to enhance your intuition and open up to your undiscovered gifts. Your psychic ability is in play for this to happen.
The Divine light is very powerful in a lot of many different ways. Not only is it helpful while meditating, but it also helps you to increase the vibrational frequencies of your body, mind, and soul. Psychic elements and psychic senses are also awakened by the Divine light as you are exposed to it.
The more time is given to meditation, the more easily you will be able to connect to your power. Also, this will increase the light energy that is available in the time and space the surrounding environment around you. Thus, the more people know about it, the more benefit you will gain out of it.
Being humans, we are all one. Thus, the unity is a very important aspect of our existence. We need to be helpful towards one another.
Invoke Archangel Raziel Meditation
The archangel Raziel meditation blesses your presence with many angels, light, and the Divine healing frequency of love to heal you in different ways. The wisdom, love, and intuition within you are unlocked as the magic unleashes.
The archangel Raziel invites you to be calm and relaxed as you focus on your intuitive power to see your ability or perception from a different angle. All your physical experiences turn into psychic senses as you undergo guided meditation for physical development. You are to tune into the senses into the realm of the spirit and Divine.
You need to be breathing as slowly as you can into the lower part of your abdomen so that it is filled with the Divine Light that is surrounding you. Breathe in… breathe out…
Let Go of the Negativity
While exhaling, you need to tune into the field of energy that is surrounding you. The energy field around you is filled with Divine light. You need to accept this Divine light as you inhale but, you will not thankfully receive it until you have the intention to accept it.
The core of your body needs to be filled with the maximum amount of energy and be exposed to the strongest rays of the Divine light for you to access intuitive guidance, infinite wisdom, love, healing and well being.
You need to be consciously and physically be present at this moment by increasing your conscious awareness and shifting your focus. You need to be grounded to the Earth to let the light flow down to the center of the Earth so that you can feel the oneness of the Earth to yourself and the Divine.
Imagine Yourself as a Tree
Trees are to be found everywhere, and there has to be a certain tree of which you are very fond. So, now it is time to imagine yourself as that tree you are very fond of. While imagining this, try to feel the Tree Energy and imagine being deeply connected to the Earth through your roots. The Earth is connected with you to the branches and the top of your leaves.
You can reach up to the sky in the direction of the Divine light source, into the heavens and the Divine realm of spirits and angels. The light from all that is above is shining onto and into you.
You absorb this light of the Divine into you, and you start channeling it inside to your core – which is your tree trunk.
The Light Travels
As this light shines upon you, it travels from the top to the bottom – from the leaves to the branches to the trunk and into your roots. As this light leaves you to go towards the core of the Earth, it becomes incredibly strong. You need to be aware of the strength of this light as it starts to get back up through your roots to your core.
From the core, it is then transferred to the branches and into the light of the Divine above. As it keeps flowing from you to the core of the Earth, and then again from your core to the Divine light above, you will be exposed to see your psychic element and your psychic abilities. Your intuitive power is unlocked, and you feel a certain gush of unusual energy.
You Have Special Abilities
To perceive things beyond the physical realm is one of the psychic senses you have been blessed with. Your subtle senses combined with your Divine senses that have been invoked make a connection that is far out gone.
At this time, water is the essential physical element that is needed. Connect with the water and experience it. Surround yourself with water by diving into it and letting it flow around you. When you start to feel a connection with the water, start perceiving it and try to understand that you are in the water. Hear the water around you crash into your own body which is soothing, cooling, and healing your body. It is purifying your mental, spiritual, and emotional senses.
When experiencing the water element, breathe slowly and make sure that you don’t over judge or overanalyze the abilities of the water element. All you need to do is be aware of the presence of the water element around you.
You can always ask for angels to help, guide, and assist you throughout any difficulty that you have the potential to face during this whole archangel Raziel meditation process.
Thank the angels and thank the archangel Raziel meditation for their help and guidance.