Carnelian Healing Properties – Know better this Spiritual Stone powers

Why should I know more about the Carnelian Spiritual Stone? Well, whenever we talk about stones, crystals, or gems, it can seem as if there is far too much information to take in.
Trying to explore all of the stones that can be used for healing is like trying to cover all the foods that have nutritional value: it’s a nearly impossible task.
To avoid this problem, we’re going to focus on just one stone in order to discuss it in all the detail it deserves.
The Carnelian stone is a truly unique and fascinating gem, and so we’ll consider its meaning, where it comes from, and the spiritual properties it contains.
What is Carnelian stone made of?
The best place to start when discussing any crystal or gem is with its origin story. So, what is the Carnelian stone made of? Where does it come from?
These are two important questions that help us gain a better understanding of the power behind this stone and the type of energy it can contain.
For those of you unfamiliar with the basics, Carnelian often appears as an orange or brown color, but it can range from being a very pale orange to a dark brown that may actually seem black in color.
This gem and one named ‘Sard’ are very similar. So much so that the line between them is often blurred or non-existent.
In fact, many people argue that Sard is simply a variation of Carnelian or vice versa. Generally speaking, the harder and darker varieties are considered to be Sard.
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Where does carnelian stone come from?
The Carnelian stone is created via a volcanic explosion. When liquid magma erupts from a volcano, it will begin to cool instantly, due to the drastically cooler air temperature that often surrounds it.
As silica acid begins to cool, usually while it’s in bubble form, it shifts from being a gas to a liquid, and then from a liquid to a solid. Combined with some iron oxide, we get the unique orangey/brown color that we see today.
For the most part, this stone is found in Russia, Germany, and India, which is interesting given that they are all part of the same landmass.
However, we also find deposits in Brazil, which suggests that these countries were once a lot closer together, or a unique event has taken place on multiple occasions.
Until we find other deposits of this stone, we won’t know how rare it actually is.
What does the stone mean?
From bloodstone to gemstones and healing crystals, now that we understand the origin story of this interesting stone, we can begin to discuss its history and the various meanings that have become attached to it over the years.
Carnelian has quite the history, dating back at least as far as 5,000BCE, this stone has been used as jewelry, royal seals, and much more.
In slightly more recent years, the stone has been found buried in the ruins of Knossos in Greece, where its purpose was as decoration.
The Minoans were a deeply spiritual civilization and their spiritual practices are well known, that is until volcanic eruptions and war brought an end to this group of people.
This stone also appears within Neo-Assyrian civilizations, especially in relation to their Gods.
We find mention of Ishtar-Gula, who appears on a Carnelian jewel like a star Goddess, representing the deep connection that this stone has with Mother Earth, fertility, and the cosmos.
We even find a reference to what is likely Carnelian within the pages of the Bible.
If we look to Revelation 4:3, we see John the Apostle referencing a stone that looks similar to jasper and Sard. The name itself comes from a rather interesting origin.
Although it has been altered over the years as new languages have adapted its meaning, the original name for this stone was Cornelian.
We find that this word has roots in medieval Latin where the word Cornum refers to Cornus mas which is the Cornel cherry, a type of plant which bears dark red cherries.
The word Sard is believed to originate from Sardis which could originally come from the Persian word ‘sered’, which translates as literally meaning yellowish red. Other possible origins are Greek, such as Sarx which literally means flesh.
What is Carnelian stone good for?
Given the range of civilizations that have made use of this stone, we will now take a moment to discuss some of the Carnelian properties.
After all, a stone that is forged by volcanos and has connections to star goddesses must hold an interesting type of energy or power.
The Carnelian crystal is mainly a healing crystal, and while it does possess a vast range of properties, we’re going to focus on the Carnelian healing properties.
We find that this stone connects to core elements within the body. For example, people will use the stone in order to reduce pain caused by overuse, such as sore muscles or bones.
Arthritis is just one of the many ailments that a Carnelian crystal is believed to aid with.
It also connects to the flow of blood and energy within the body, much like the lava and magma which flow beneath the Earth’s crust and are responsible for the creation of this stone in the first place.
Carnelian Healing Properties
The Carnelian healing properties also apply to emotional/mental ailments.
People with depression often find that this stone takes the edge off slightly, allowing them to feel slightly more energetic than usual which can be enough to get the day started.
More than anything, Carnelian works as a balancing agent, meaning that it keeps emotions in harmony with one another while also raising aspects of your being that may be at zero, such as motivation, determination, confidence, or trust.
Speaking of trust, Carnelian is particularly good at helping you find trust within yourself. When it comes to using your intuition, you need to be able to have faith that you’re on the right path. Carnelian can give you the boost you need to rely on your intuition.
Is Carnelian expensive? Yes and no. It’s a semi-precious stone, meaning that while it isn’t cheap, it’s far from being one of the more expensive gems on the market.