Feng Shui Tips

Whether you’re a Feng Shui pro or an absolute beginner, this article will provide you with all the Feng Shui tips you’ll need to Feng Shui your life. For those of you who are completely new to the practice, we’ll cover the Feng Shui basics, including looking at the origins of the practice. We’ll also look at how to Feng Shui effectively through some top tips. As always, we’ll start off with the basics by looking at what exactly Feng Shui is.
Feng Shui Basics
The practice of Feng Shui, also known by many as geomancy, is often referred to as a series of laws that relate to the managing of energy flow through spatial awareness and the orientation of objects within a room or building.
This management of energy forces is used to create harmony and bring the energy of both the individual and the environment to the same level.
The origins of Feng Shui are pretty interesting. Before the invention of the magnetic compass, people relied on astronomy in order to correctly position aspects of their home.
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Many ancient buildings or monuments (particularly in Asia and Egypt) align with astronomically significant dates such as the equinox or the winter and summer solstice. These Feng Shui tips won’t involve anything as drastic as building monuments though.
The basic and key idea of Feng Shui beliefs relates to our spirit. The ancient practice stems from the idea that our homes are reflections of our inner-selves.
Through creating peaceful and relaxing environments to live in, we also promote those same traits within ourselves. Similarly, if our homes are cluttered and messy, we may experience turmoil for otherwise unexplained reasons.
Only by creating harmony can we experience the inner peace that we all search for. So let’s take a look at some Feng Shui tips that will help you create the most balanced environment.
Feng Shui Tips
It’s important to realize that these Feng Shui tips are selected due to their simplicity. You don’t need to jump straight into the deep end by creating some sort of Feng Shui water fountain front door. Take small steps and before you know it, you’ll have surpassed the Feng Shui basics and can move onto more advanced techniques:
Open Up your Environment
This basic technique is not only a way to Feng Shui your life but it also has a wide range of other benefits. Quite simply, you want to allow clean and positive energy an easy way into your environment.
Whether you’re talking about a house, a workspace or a bedroom, you want to allow fresh air in. Of course, the simplest method for achieving this is simply to open some windows.
Many of these Feng Shui tips only involve minor changes in your life. Allowing more air into your environment not only encourages harmonious energies but also allows clean air to breathe. This in itself benefits your physical, mental and spiritual health.
You can take this a step further and buy an air purifier. Of course, adding a machine into your home or workplace can be costly and they tend to make noise.
As such, a much cheaper, healthier and quieter alternative is a plant. Plants are natural air purifiers. Plus, they promote Feng Shui energies within their environment. So it’s a win-win scenario.
Let there be Light!
On a similar note, you don’t want to be sitting or living in a dark environment (unless you’re sleeping of course) so it is important to allow some natural light into your environment.
Whenever possible, keep your curtains, blinds, or shutters open and turn off any sources of artificial light. You’ll not only save yourself money, but you’ll find that your mental health benefits and that the light energy provides a natural energy source to your home or workspace.
In the winter months when it gets a little darker and colder, try and use bulbs that emit a more natural glow rather than glaring white light.
Clean Up!
This step should go without saying but many who are new to Feng Shui life don’t realize quite how negative an impact mess can make.
The best starting point is to clean: dispose of any rubbish, get rid of any junk, return items not belonging to a certain room to their designated location and then wipe down all surfaces so that space itself looks brand new.
The more often you can carry out a basic clean, the higher you’ll notice the energy levels of the environment becoming. You can take this a step further though.
As Feng Shui is the idea of reflection, the last thing you want in your environment is anything that is broken. For example, you don’t want a drawer with a broken handle or a table with uneven legs.
Whenever you find something that’s even just a minor annoyance, you’re better to fix it or replace it. This is particularly true if you’re spending large amounts of time in the company of this object.
Backs to the Wall
When it comes to types of furniture such as sofas, chairs or beds, you ideally want to position them so that their backs are against the wall.
In the case of the bed, you want the headboard against the wall and ideally, you want to position the bed at the opposite side of the room from the door.
This serves many functions; one example is providing a sense of security. If you can see the door without having to move then someone entering the room will never startle you. This allows your mind to be at ease more naturally.
Flowing Water
The last of our Feng Shui tips involves water. Making use of the elements (particularly water) is a great way to Feng Shui your life.
If you can place a small fountain somewhere in your environment, the energy will naturally replenish itself.
Water relates to cleanliness and purity and so having it in constant motion will remind you of how peaceful your mind can become.