If you’re new to meditating then you may be a little intimidated by all that’s involved. Many view meditation as a complicated process that is heavy with religious or spiritual overtones. The truth is quite different. In this article we will explore the varying functions of meditation (both from a spiritual and non-spiritual standpoint) so no matter what your world views, everyone can benefit from meditation. We’ll take some time to cover some of the benefits of meditation, how you can incorporate healing or praying into meditation and of course we will also examine how to meditate for beginners basics.
What is Meditation?
We’ll start off with the absolute basics: what exactly is meditation? There are many false assumptions surrounding meditation. I’m sure you’ve heard the idea of meditation being about “not thinking” or perhaps you picture a monk in isolation on a mountain.
Meditation is quite simply relaxing your mind, body and spirit so that you can gradually become aware. In terms of meditation for beginners, that’s really all you need to know.
It will make more sense when we explore meditation techniques but meditation is simply being aware of each thought that passes through your mind. It’s about becoming aware of your own consciousness.
FYI, you can also meditate with the help of Angels!
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Benefits of Meditation
As stated, you meditation process with be help by Archangel Raziel Meditation. You may or may not be a spiritual person but meditation has benefits for everyone. Learning how to meditate for beginners the right way opens the door to quick and simple meditation practices which you can easily fit into your day to day life. You don’t need to spend hours meditating as quite often 10-15 minutes is long enough.
Meditation reduces stress, improves concentration and can help with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. It’s not a magical cure but it certainly works in a positive manner. Mindfulness meditation also allows you to enjoy the present, living your life in the here and now instead of the past or future.
Of course there are spiritual benefits to meditation as well. Spiritual meditation for beginners can lead to a wide range of experiences. For starters, it can aid in your spiritual development. Meditation increases your vibrational energy which improves your contact with higher beings.
This in turn allows you to experience healing energy, seek guidance, improve spiritual abilities and perhaps even develop new ones. Meditation can work very similar to praying but tends to be more immersive and allows for deeper self-reflection and exploration, particularly with the help of your angels.
How to Meditate for Beginners
You’re probably eager to learn how to meditate beginner style so we’ll jump right into some of the simple and straightforward techniques. Many of these steps are optional but they can improve your meditation experience ( have a look at Ascension Wow Meditation).
As a guide on how to meditate, we will explore a number of different options but to meditate all you really need is yourself. We’ll look at this in a bit more detail in a moment. There isn’t a specific technique related_posts to how to meditate beginner style so just be aware that you will need to practice if you wish to improve.
Setting the Scene
As your knowledge on how to meditate for beginners expands, you’ll discover which aspects of these meditation techniques work for you and which don’t. It’s advisable to explore as many as you can in order to keep your options open. The first thing you want to do is set the mood.
Ideally, you’ll want to set aside some time for your first meditation. Make sure you’ll be alone (unless you’re meditating in a group) and somewhere you feel comfortable, peaceful and that is quiet.
As you’ll be trying to concentrate, quietness can help you but not to worry if silence isn’t an option, we’ll cover that in a moment. Cleanliness is also important so choose a location that is clean but also free from distractions.
It can help to dim the light or turn them off completely. You can even light some candles if you wish; this will increase the vibrational energy in the room and also helps you stay in the right mind set. You can be inside or outside but just make sure you’re comfortable. You may be tempted to lie in bed but this poses the risk of you falling asleep. Ideally you want to sit on the floor or in a chair with your back straight.
Starting the Meditation
Starting the meditation is incredibly straightforward. Meditating for beginners couldn’t be any easier and as you learn how to meditate for beginners, you will find this to be the case. We’re going to cover a simple breathing technique which is ideal for breathing deeply for beginners.
This technique is called box breathing. You’re going to breathe in through your nose to a count of 4, hold that breath for 4, breathe out through your mouth for 4, hold it again for 4, and repeat. The trick here is to focus on the count and also where each breath ends and a new one begins.
How to meditate for beginners – Expanding your Consciousness
You then want to open up your awareness a little further so if you’re somewhere that isn’t quiet, simply begin to focus on the other noises. If you are somewhere quiet then focus on sensations such as how the air in the room feels against you skin or the feeling of the chair you’re sitting on.
This can be a little bizarre at first and as you learn how to meditate for beginners, you’ll find it becomes easier. Your mind will begin to wander at times and that is perfectly fine. Simply acknowledge that your mind has wandered, notice where it wandered to and then return to focusing on your breathing and the other sensations.
It can be challenging to learn how to meditate and you shouldn’t be disheartened if the experience doesn’t feel incredibly beneficial the first few times. It takes practice. If you just can’t seem to get the hang of it then consider trying a guided meditation. These can walk you step by step through the process.