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Inner Child Meditation

Posted by Padre on
inner child meditation

Ever look back fondly to when you were a child? We reach an age where suddenly we have to grow up and at this point we lose more than just our baby teeth. In this article we will explore the benefits of healing your inner child in order to restore some of the emotional and spiritual energy that we tend to abandon as we grow older. To do this, we will make use of an inner child meditation, which is often referred to as an Archangel Haniel meditation. Before we get to that we’ll take a brief look at the Archangel Haniel.

Archangel Haniel Meditation

Archangel Haniel is unique in many ways. An example of this is her being of the very few female Archangels. She is known as the angel of joy and that is why it is her specifically who plays a role in heal your inner child meditation. Archangel Haniel helps those who connect with her via inner child meditations by showing them (in some form or another) how simply it is to feel the joys of being a child once more. We all still have that energy inside of us; it’s just trapped in a shell. By accessing this energy we can essentially break the shell and free the energy within.

Inner Child Meditation

You may be wondering why there is a focus on our inner child. Why not just create or absorb a new, similar energy to achieve a similar outcome? The fact is that through guided meditation inner child introspection does more that create joy. Joy is the outcome, the final product but what you are in fact doing is mending old connections between you and your inner child’s energy. As children we all have a pure view of the world. We don’t see any evil or negativity; we aren’t scared by the future or stressed by the past. Children have a natural ability (though their innocence) to reflect negative energy and only absorb the positive. THAT is what one hopes to achieve through guided meditation healing inner child energy.

Heal Inner Child Meditation with Archangel Haniel

So how exactly do we go about doing this? Well, Archangel Haniel meditation isn’t hugely different from any other sort of meditation. However, there are some things you have to be prepared for. Firstly, you have to prepare your expectations. For reasons that may not be apparent at first, you may feel a gradual response to this type of meditation. Some people complete the meditation and instantly feel the effects, almost as if they have just been reawakened as a child who was merely having a long dream about being a cynical adult. Other people will have to be patient so don’t worry if the effects don’t appear straight away.

Carrying out the meditation is simple. You don’t need to use guided meditations as such as you will be calling upon Archangel Haniel to aid you. However, some people find being guided by a constant voice helps with their concentration and visualization so do whatever works best for you. You want to take some deep and calming breaths as you begin to relax. Call out to the Archangel Haniel with your mind but also with your soul. Let her know that your inner child meditation is taking place and that you can feel the energy inside you desperate to escape. Ask for her guidance on how to proceed in order to rebuild the connections that were once severed. You can use affirmations if you wish. Something simple like: “I wish to free my inner child” or “I call on Archangel Haniel to release my inner child” will work just fine.


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