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Living in the present moment with your guardian angel

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living the present moment

Does it ever happen – like it does for most people – that, as the day draws to an end, you get the impression that it passed like a flash of lightning? It certainly does. Let’s look into this phenomenon…Take some minutes every day to invoke your Guardian Angel so that he protects you and helps you to enjoy your day and living the present moment

It’s just a matter of Time

Time is an unknown element. Everybody lives in the present moment. Yet, few are those who are aware of it.

Our modern lifestyle prompts us to run, fill our schedule with a thousand important (or not) things – the goal being to occupy ourselves as much as we can, every minute.

Living the present moment and being fully aware of the present, calling on your Guardian Angel could be of great help. It will remind you each time to keep focused on the present moment to the fullest.

Is it your case too? Has your day already gone by like a flash of lightning? This can be interpreted in two ways:

  • The first positive way is that you haven’t been faced with misfortune during that day under the protection of your Guardian Angel; because, when you suffer, time drags on and on and every minute seems like an eternity.
  •  The second and negative way is that you could not live this day with full awareness.

In such a case, you missed the most important thing: the succession of moments that can – provided that you know how to seize them – bring infinite happiness. Your Guardian Angel can help guide you towards this level of spiritual growth and knowledge!

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Living the present moment thanks to your Guardian Angel

Times slip through our fingers. In most cases, if you go through your day at the speed of light, without taking some time to rest or enjoy the slightest moment, you do what almost everybody else does: you let time slip through your fingers as you vaguely wait for something to happen.

Something positive, of course. You even dream about the impossible sometimes. Still, most of the time, nothing happens. When invoking your Guardian Angel, you will enjoy the present moment more because your Guardian Angel will create good opportunities for you in any field: wealth, luck, love

So you think about tomorrow and you tell yourself that the next day will be more interesting, more brilliant than today. But tomorrow may not turn out to be this good.

Days go by and, as you think about it and as you watch time pass by and years go by too quickly, you may start feeling a lump in your throat.

A moment to tame under the guidance of your Guardian Angel

What I wish to help you understand is that the Key to Happiness does not lie in a hypothetical future, even less in the dead past, but in the “present” moment.

I also want to convince you that the “present time” is a real gift from Heaven and that the present moment is an eternity. Finally, I want to teach you that it is possible to live life in the here and now to the fullest. Being aware of it is the first step.

My tip: take a few minutes for yourself every day; rest a bit, drink tea, or a simple glass of water. Savor these minutes of peace, enjoy the silence.

When you behave like this, at the same time, praying or thinking about your Guardian Angel will help you to be more aware of the Present Moment and living the present moment in the best way possible.

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