How to make your life a success thanks to Feng Shui
Feng Shui – which means “wind and water” – is an ancestral Chinese art. Through simple methods, it favors harmony between the different energies circulating in your environment. Thus, Feng Shui have a positive influence on our house, work and, more broadly, on our lives. How does Feng Shui work? Where does it come from and what are the benefits brought by this science? Let’s explore more about in how to make life success thanks to feng shui!
Definition – What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is a secret science that saw the light of day in China several millennia ago. Emperors used it to capture beneficial influences and ensure them and their descendants a happy, healthy, prosperous and harmonious life.
They practiced Feng Shui with great spiritual Masters bound by the most absolute Secrecy because the exceptional privilege represented by this knowledge only had to benefit the imperial elite – so had they decided.
Feng Shui was then considered a Science bestowing upon those who owned it a “Double Power”:
- the power to repel what’s negative
- the power to attract what’s positive
How to make your life a success thanks to Feng Shui
Feng Shui had been used in China for the benefit of the Influential people but has come out of the imperial territory about one century ago. Today, Western elites are benefiting from it and are making the most of it, because they have learned to make life success thanks to feng shui.
It is thus about this science, which I have been initiated into by the greatest Masters, that I am going to talk today. There will also be mentions of the simple but efficient means to turn your life around:
- turn the negative into positive
- transform obscurity into intense light of joy, harmony and serenity.
How to satisfy the 9 desires of life thanks to Feng Shui
Through very simple tips to apply, Feng Shui will help you access Happiness in every area of your life.
By scrupulously following my advice, you should obtain positive effects quite quickly. These effects will amplify as time goes by.
Ancient Chinese people, through their infinite wisdom, had taken an inventory of 9 areas in which men want to reach Happiness. It is precisely in these 9 areas that you will have the power to change your life, thanks to the precepts of Feng Shui. Here they are:
I have already revealed a few Feng Shui secrets for some areas: don’t delay! Discover them and be on the lookout! Make life success thanks to feng shui good practices! I will soon unveil new ones!
Feng Shui in the House
In which form will such Magic operate in your life? Feng Shui is a science of the “environment”, environment that is both physical and psychical. Cosmic energy circulates both in the body and the spirit; but it also spreads in our material environment, i.e. our house.
Based on this metaphysical principle, Western Sages have understood that setting their environment in the right direction and putting it in the “right frame of mind”, which is called “positive polarity”, would be enough for our lives to be directed towards Happiness, Luck and Transformation through a natural phenomenon of correspondence and convergence.
Feng Shui is no doubt one of the greatest Secrets on Earth. You have to make life success thanks to feng shui, thus none of its aspects should be neglected if you wish to take advantage of it.
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