How to pray

Prayer is an inevitable part of everyone’s everyday life. Intentionally, unintentionally, consciously, or unconsciously, we all make prayers at different times of the day. It is a very powerful tool that we, as humans, have been equipped with. It possesses the power for us to communicate with the world that is beyond our thoughts. Praying to the Divine or to the angels is the way we can get help, assistance, or guidance from the world beyond the world we live in. Thus, it is very important to know how to pray. You may know how to pray, but is that way enough for your prayers to be answered effectively and efficiently?
Praying effectively
Making a prayer is easy, but making a prayer that is effective, is that easy? All prayers are heard, but not all are prayers are accepted. In order for your prayer to be heard and accepted, you need to know how to pray effectively. This eBook is a complete guide designed to cater your needs to the utmost effect. It is an eBook with all sorts of guidelines and ways that you can utilize to make your prayers effective and be heard; and accepted in a short span of time.Successful prayer
To have a good intent while making a prayer is the key to a successful prayer. Everything about the good intent, and what sorts of bad intent you may have, is being highlighted in this eBook that is designed to teach you more about the prayer world. The primary thing to know is that a bad intent will never lead to a successful and effective prayer. Being unconscious about your own intent is something we do many times in a day thus, to know your intent consciously, there are tips and tricks that you can use in order to learn how to pray effectively.Wishing for something to happen, wanting to get something you think you won’t get, or even making a wish for someone else, requires for you to pray; and although your prayers will be heard, they might not be answered if you are not on the right track. To learn the right track and to follow the right track, this eBook gives you a complete guide which enlightens you so much about prayers, that you will find all your prayers being answered in no time at all!
Connecting to the spiritual world
The more you know about prayers, the more physically and mentally you will feel connected to the spiritual world. To make your bond with the spiritual world stronger, you need to gain the maximum amount of knowledge about prayers, and you can achieve that by taking advantage of this eBook that has been designed to cater to your needs in the most effective way possible.Having the ability to pray, and making prayers in itself is nothing less than a blessing. Having the thought of asking the Divine, or the angels for help in life is like trusting them to help you in your time of need. You will not be let down, and will get the help you need if you pray properly. Your praying hands, your praying heart, and your praying soul, will be answered if you know the tools to a successful prayer.
All these tools, for your ease, have been discussed in great detail in this eBook. All you have to do is reap its benefits for your own good. It does not take much effort to take advantage of a thing if you compare it to the benefits you can entitle yourself with by making use of it. Just like that, the benefits that this eBook provides are far greater than the effort you will need to put into reading and making use of the information laid down in it. Get hold of your gateway to successful prayers with the eBook.
I am gaining strength to strength

Dear Padre, I am grateful for your guidance and support. After reading your book called "How to pray so that my prayers are heard" I have become spiritually, mentally and physically stronger. Yes, I have always known about my relationship with the spiritual world and been reminded many times of the gifts that are available to me, but since I read and followed the wise instructions from your book, I have gained belief and strength that have helped me accept and reach all these beautiful things in life!
Linda (San Francisco)
You gave me strength and energy

Dear Padre, thank you so much for your support. I am writing to you to express how much gratitude I have towards you. Learning how to speak to my guardian angel gave me real strength and energy to fight all the difficulties in everyday life. I can already tell you that I'm making progress. My shop is getting more customers and my private life has never been better. Thank you for your compassion and wisdom.
Paul (Denver)