The Ancient Origins of the Wheel of the Year
Hummingbird Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning
Butterfly Symbolism – Butterfly Meaning and Spiritual Messages
When you look at this frail insect fluttering around, do you imagine that the butterfly symbolism is very strong and deep? Flying around the world for millions of years, the butterfly has been granted a deep meaning by nearly all great civilizations, religions, and spiritual traditions on Earth. Uncover the butterfly meaning, the butterfly symbolism, and […]
Ritual of the Powers of the Guardian Angels – Uncover the names of my Angels
The quest for your own happiness and that of those you love is the very essence of life. Being happy among people who are too is doubtlessly the most beautiful thing there is. Find more about the ritual of the powers of the Guardian Angels and how you can benefit from it! Improve your situation while […]
The Pure Magic of Palo Santo and How to Use it in Your Spiritual Practice
True Spiritual Ascension Meaning
According to people, there are various definitions of Ascension that mean a lot of things. The dictionary meaning is the deed of ascent or ascending to be climbed up or to rise. The notion or ascension meaning itself can be clarified in numerous different backgrounds relying on the spiritual philosophy or tradition. Ascension meaning The […]
White Sage Smudging to cleanse your aura and space
It is a plant found in high desert ecosystems and grows commonly in the Mountain West and California. Sage smudging is one of the purest and ancient techniques of cleansing a person, a person, or space. Although Native American white sage smudging is the most popular form of it currently, it has nonetheless been used […]
Indigo, Rainbow, and Crystal Children
Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children are referred to as Star Children. Many parents, during the upbringing of their children, forget to notice how special their children may be in certain aspects. Being special does not necessarily relate to disabilities; as is the norm. A special child is known as a crystal child. These have certain […]
Lightworkers – How to find out if you’re one
A few people feel like they are not like general people. They are bemused by the world and think about what is the point of their existence. They continuously feel that they should be doing something with their life and giving something to the world, but they just cannot figure it out. These are the […]
9 signs you are an Earth Angel
Clairsentience: 7 signs you are clairsentient
How can you know if you are clairsentient or if you have the gift or skills to practice clairsentience and do clairsentience readings? Uncover below Seven Signs showing you have the clairsentience ability. Definition: What is clairsentience? Clairsentience definition is simple: it means a clear sensation. You intuitively feel and sense through different kinds of physical […]
Signs from Heaven that your deceased loved ones are nearby
There is no feeling of sadness greater than when a loved one passes away; this is the sad truth of life that everyone has to die. Do you want to know more about the signs from heaven? We all have instinctive capabilities also called sixth sense, which usually is heightened or activated when a loved […]
A Guardian Angel Ritual of Angelic Protection
If doubts take over, if you feel the influence of harmful waves weighing too heavily down on you, I suggest you put this angelic ritual into practice, one that will comfort you. I am talking about an angelical ritual capable of making you receive optimal protection from your Guardian Angel against negative energies. Steps to perform the […]
The Amethyst, the stone of wisdom
The amethyst, the stone of wisdom and humility, is, first of all, Get your a stone of Temperance and purity preventing any sort of exhilaration – even spiritual. Let’s find out more about the Amethyst Precious Stone of Wisdom The Amethyst, the magic, and the legendary stone This powerful stone comes from a variety of violet […]
Ruby, the gemstone of Alchemists
The word “Ruby” comes from the Latin “rubeus”, which mean “red”. But it most certainly is also derived from the word “rebis”, or “double thing”, which gave birth to the word “rebus”. This word suggests that rubies hold a secret meaning: that of the Philosopher’s Stone, the final stage of which is called… rubedo (reddening). […]
Spiritual Chills … What are they?
What comes to your mind when you read the word CHILLS? Something like sudden shocks? Or perhaps, something like Goosebumps maybe? So Spiritual Chills are moments where you feel as if a current just passed through your body in a second. But when you get a chill, what does it mean? If that is what […]
Seeing Flashes of Light Spiritual
Like we see humans, we can also see Angels but of course, that requires a little bit of focus and concentration. Find out more about the meaning of seeing flashes of light spiritual. Angels are always ready to guide and assist us through the hardships of life. They are always looking upon us from above […]
Starseeds… what is a Starseed? Plus 20 signs that you are one!
Curses and spells
All the curses, evil charms or spells have but one goal: that of harming someone through magical actions, the aim of which is always to affect someone’s life through their possessions, well-being, family, or even themselves. But is it possible to counter curses and protect ourselves from them? Discover more now about curses and spells! The […]
How to know if you are bewitched
Full Moon Water to Recharge Your Body, Mind, and Spirit!
Psychic children … 23 signs to learn that your child is psychic
Psychic children have abilities other than the physical abilities that help them see, hear, perceive, and sensitive information from various sources. For example, they may have the ability to communicate with someone who has already passed away. Psychic experiences for these children are a normal thing, but for us, they are not normal as we […]
How to use a Crystal Ball
Pendulum Dowsing – Do pendulums really Work?
We all know that radio waves can’t be seen, but still, radios pick up the radio waves and transmit information to us. Just like that, the vibrational energies that are emitted by our bodies are received by the pendulum, which acts as an antenna. That’s what we call pendulum dowsing. The process of the pendulum […]
7 Signs of Having dreams of Past Life
Visitation Dreams… How to Tell if They Are Real?
Ever dreamt of a person who has passed away? Everyone has dreams about dead loved ones, and it’s a normal thing, nothing unusual about it. That is exactly what we call a “Dream Visitation.” As the name suggests, dreaming of dead loved ones is referred to as visitation dreams. What is a visitation dreams? These […]
Lions Gate Portal 2017 Meaning and Significance
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “Lions Gate Portal 2017”? Something related_posts to a gate through which lions pass perhaps? Well, if that’s what you are thinking of, you are entirely wrong. It is a spiritual gateway which acts as a portal of energy. Lions Gate […]
The Egregore
The Egregore is an often little known phenomenon that concerns us all since it gathers the energies emanating from several people to create an uncommon force. What is an gregore? An “egregore” is a force produced and fueled by the willpower, desire and/or emotions of a group of people who have the same goal or ideal […]
What does this mysterious word (Abracadabra), which everyone has already heard or pronounced mean? The root of this magic formula During the Middle Ages (the time when Alchemists knew the Alphabet of Charms), this cabalistic formula – which is based on very ancient symbolism – was used to repel all kinds of illnesses and, more […]
Diamond, the queen of precious stones
Diamonds are certainly precious stones par excellence but this exceptional mineral is so much more than an external sign of wealth that it is interesting to discover a bit more the mystical stone that is the Diamond … Diamonds, one-of-a-kind precious stones… Taking an interest in diamonds is, in a way, getting closer to the […]
The meaning of precious stones
Since the dawn of time, precious stones have always fascinated men all around the world. To some, they represent wealth. In others’ opinion – a more spiritual one – they symbolize magic and power. Precious stones: wealth, magic and power As far back as Man can remember precious stones have always been worshipped. One thing […]
How to protect yourself from evil spells
You won’t achieve that by withdrawing to a mountain. Evil spells and curses are not bound by space and time. As far as magic is concerned, its efficiency relies on knowledge. The practical indications I will now reveal to you will enable you to create a shield of protection against evil spells. 1st precaution to […]