Trishula Protective Mudra – The mudra that frees from anxiety
Trishula Protective mudra – Protection, serenity, wisdom… all this is literally within reach thanks to this ancestral knowledge. Discover the secret science of the Mudras, the ritual hand gestures developed over the centuries by the Greatest Yogis! Trishula protective mudra is as follows: Meaning: The tree, the leaf, wisdom Ritual: Perform this gesture on a waning-moon […]
Mayura Mudra for Success – Bring a project to a successful completion
Mudras are simple but precious gestures for those who wish to realize their dreams, whether these involve love, money, success or even protection. Also known as yoga of the hands, Mudras are ancestral knowledge that still have a rightful place in our daily lives, just as is the case of the Mayura mudra I’ll describe […]
Bhramara, a mudra for protection
Protection, serenity, wisdom… All of this lies litterally within reach thanks to this ancestral knowledge represented by the Mudras, which are also known as the yoga of the hands or fingers. Bhramara mudra is one of these sacred ritual gestures. I’ll leave you to discover it… Practicing Bhramara mudra to develop your clear-sightedness By performing this […]
What are Mudras?
Hindu culture contains a multitude of ancient knowledge pregnant with serenity and wisdom. Among the many secrets it holds, there is one with infinite power: Mudras (also called yoga of the hands and fingers). When you master this science, you can considerably enhance your life in a rapid manner. Discover more in what are mudras, […]
Padmakosa, the mudra that attracts like a magnet
Mudras are simple but precious gestures for those who wish to realize their dreams, whether these involve love, money, success or even protection. Also known as yoga of the hands, Mudras are ancestral knowledge that still have a rightful place in our daily lives, just as is the case of the Padmakosa attraction mudra I’ll describe […]
Simhamukha, the mudra that relieves our suffering
Simhamukha Mudra … Protection, serenity, wisdom… all this is within reach thanks to this ancestral knowledge. Discover the secret of Mudras, ritual hand gestures developed over the centuries by the Greatest Yogis! Simhamukha Mudra, a protective mudra Meaning: Healing herbs Ritual: Perform this gesture on a waning-moon night as you count to 14, between 8pm and […]
Katakamukha, the mudra of reward
Protection, serenity, wisdom… all this is literally within reach thanks to this ancestral knowledge. Discover the secret science of Mudras (ritual gestures using a hand developed over the centuries by the Greatest Yogis and in particular, the katakamukha mudra protection. Katakamukha Mudra protection yoga – How to do this protective mudra It is translated by “opening […]
Shiva Linga, a Mudra to find Love
Fortune, love, wisdom… Mudras, also known as the yoga of the hands or fingers, can enable us to fulfil our desires, even sometimes the craziest of them. Among those sacred ritual gestures, there is the Shiva linga, which I’ll teach you here… Performing the Shiva linga to find sublime love By putting this sacred gesture […]