Palm reading Lines – Major and Minor Lines Reading
Ever asked why palm reading lines are often such a fascinating conversation between friends? By palm reading, you try to better understand and to have more details about yourself and from the others around you! There is a different palm line meaning for every set of marking on your hand. Palm reading lines can mean […]
Who is my Guardian Angel and how to see him with the Free Angel Reading
Who is my Guardian Angel and how to see him? I can let you know that my free reading can be of great assistance and deliver Angel’s messages to you! Guardian Angels keep surrounding us with their angelical aura but, still, their presence is always hard to perceive. How the Angels know answers through free readings […]
3 Benefits of Meeting a Fortune Teller
Fortune telling and fortune-teller – is it facts, fiction, or fantasy? We have all heard about it, but have you ever wondered what it is really about or how it works, and why people make use of it? All these are secondary questions, the real question is… what is fortune-telling? You surely know what “Fortune” […]
Ida’s visions
Clairalience -The Power of Detect Spiritual Smells
In this article, we will explore exactly what this is and the different ways it can be used. We’ll also explore some of the psychic smells’ meanings. So let’s jump straight into looking at the clear smelling psychic ability of clairalience. Smell plays a far more important role in our lives than we often think: […]
How to use Runes Stones correctly – Learn more about their meaning
Runes are used since ancient times for many purposes, with different interpretations of its dynamics over time. Generally, Runes are a form of an ancient oracle that is used by people for seeking advice. They were first recorded in Germanic and Nordic tribes, and the inscription on them is usually Anglo Saxon. Rune’s meaning can differ […]
How Do You Do Lithomancy? – A Guide to Reading Divination Stones
There are many different types of divination. Some of the more common methods include Tarot cards, tea leaves, and astrology, but there are plenty of other methods that people find just as effective. Lithomancy is one such example, but what are lithomancy stones and How do you do lithomancy? While answering these questions, we’ll also […]
Are you Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening?
The term “spiritual awakening” is often used to describe the idea of becoming spiritually aware i.e. moving away from materialistic desires toward a deeper sense of spirituality. In truth, the term actually refers to a much higher level of spiritual growth. How to recognize the spiritual awakening signs? And what does it mean to have a […]
What You Need to Know Psychometry?
All the objects present inside this realm of the universe tend to be made of energy. These objects are in constant action of absorbing and releasing energy. These energies become that objects personal signature that defines it. Psychometry is the art of knowing and identifying these signatures. Energy flows in a constant form, just like […]
Fate vs Destiny – The truth about Future
This article primarily focuses on defining fate, destiny, better-known challenge: Fate vs Destiny. Let us see what Fate vs. destiny means more than just the difference between it. The question of future and the consequences of an action, the law of attraction, is connected and intertwined in the threads of the future through our fate and destiny. Although […]
3 Exercises to open and develop your Third Eye
The 3rd eye – also called sixth sense, is found in everyone, that’s a fact. But very few people know how to use it. Knowing your Guardian Angel name is a key factor in developing your third eye. There are some simple exercises that can enable you to progressively develop your third eye. Today, I will unveil 3 […]
Bhramara, a mudra for protection
Protection, serenity, wisdom… All of this lies litterally within reach thanks to this ancestral knowledge represented by the Mudras, which are also known as the yoga of the hands or fingers. Bhramara mudra is one of these sacred ritual gestures. I’ll leave you to discover it… Practicing Bhramara mudra to develop your clear-sightedness By performing this […]