Magic Formula of the Himalayas – Mantra for Infinite Luck
Mantras are sacred sentences. The word comes from the Sanskrit verb “man”, which means “to think”, and “trana”, which means “protection”. Endowed with spiritual power, mantras are incantations you can recite on a daily basis. Let’s find out more about the Mantra for Infinite Luck Mantra for Infinite Luck This magical Formula will enable you […]
Confucius, the little man who was a great Sage…
Confucius the Humanist, gave rise to a religion, a philosophy and a school of thought at the same time. Today, his teachings are still very much needed because they remain modern and universal even after all these years. That is why I suggest we talk about him today. Confucius’ life A child was born in […]
Magical Formula of the Himalayas
Mantras are sacred sentences. The word comes from the Sanskrit verb “man”, which means “to think”, and “trana”, which means “protection”. Endowed with spiritual power, mantras are magic formulas you can recite on a daily basis to increase your good Fortune. Mantra of Unlimited Fortune This formula will help you to quickly transform your greatest dreams […]
Himalayan Magic Formula – Mantra for Perfect Love
Mantras are sacred sentences. The word comes from the Sanskrit verb “man”, which means “to think”, and “trana”, which means “protection”. Endowed with spiritual power, mantras are incantations you can recite on a daily basis. Let’s find out more about this Mantra for perfect love Mantra for Perfect Love This Magical Formula will help you […]