Young Living Oils for Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety can create major problems in a person’s life. For some, it will be limited to rare situations such as boarding a plane or a boat. For others, the otherwise simple task of going to the shop or riding a bus can cause debilitating anxiety and have an incredibly negative effect on someone’s life. In this […]
Mayura Mudra for Success – Bring a project to a successful completion
Mudras are simple but precious gestures for those who wish to realize their dreams, whether these involve love, money, success or even protection. Also known as yoga of the hands, Mudras are ancestral knowledge that still have a rightful place in our daily lives, just as is the case of the Mayura mudra I’ll describe […]
How and Why Can Gemstone Energy Be Used for Healing?
It’s no secret that crystals and gemstones contain energy that can be used for a wide range of different purposes such as healing, removing negative energy or improving communication with divine beings. In this article, we will explore the healing properties of stones and gems, and gemstone energy. In particular, we will cover the idea […]
Hearing Your Angel Messages
Apophyllite Stone – Supernatural and Spiritual Help
Ask a Free Psychic Question to Your Angel
Interpreting the 944 Angel Number
If you’ve been repeatedly seeing the number 944, then it might be time to stop chalking it up to mere coincidence. Angel numbers are a common and insightful form of angelic connection that relays important messages from our angels to us. The 944 angel number is just one example of this, but the same interpretation […]