Nith Haiah, the angel who Wisely gives away
Nemamiah, Praiseworthy God
Nemamiah represents Higher Intelligence, the one that is equally made up of intuition and rationality. Who is Nemamiah? Nemamiah is the Guardian Angel of people born between January 1st and January 5th. Nemamiah dominates everything aimed at annihilating mediocrity and exalting the wealth of your soul. He encourages freedom and the freeing of chains, the equality […]
Damabiah, the angel that vivifies all things
Damabiah shelters us from negative emotions and leads us to the joy provided by the intelligence of the heart. Who is Damabiah? Damabiah is the Guardian Angel of people born between February 10 and February 14. Damabiah rules over intuition and sensitivity, over magic and the knowledge of subtle plans. It is said that invoking […]
Infographic – What you need to know about angels
Angels are divine creatures that help us by guarding our lives every day. To inform you more about them, discover this Angel’s infographic. The Angels are the ones who truly care for us. That is why they gave us a specific course in our lives. Even if there is a problem with your body, your mind, or […]
Serenity Prayer – Full Version, 7 Benefits and its History
The serenity prayer is perhaps the most popular today. Serenity. What a beautiful word. How peaceful and divine this word sounds. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and think of what it would look like. I took a deep breath, I closed my eyes and I saw a quiet garden full of beautiful flowers: orchids, lilies, […]
Hahahel, Three-Facet God
Hahahel symbolizes a generous heart and Faith in the Divine. He is a “Three-Facet God” because he represents Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. Who is Hahahel? Hahahel is the Guardian Angel of the people who were born between October 14 and 18. He teaches men how to discover the goldmine they have inside. He teaches them how […]
Vehuel – Great and Ascended God
Vehuel is like a magnet (that means he both attracts and loves) for anyone seeking to attain Greatness and Wisdom. Who is Vehuel? Vehuel is the Guardian Angel of people who were born between September 23 and September 27. Since he is “Great and Ascended”, he impels people to withdraw from material things and shows […]
525 Angel Number: Expect Positive Changes to Take Place in your Life when seeing it
Angel numbers often carry several messages, so what does 525 mean in love? Can it help direct us towards positivity, companionship, and purpose? We’re going to answer all of these questions as we break the number down, explore its base components, and interpret the overall meaning of the 525 Angel Number. Do you keep seeing […]