How to Create a Prayer for Protection!
In this article, we’re going to explore a common prayer for protection that you can use. We’ll take a look at what the Bible says on the matter, we’ll explore how to make prayer more meaningful, and we’ll touch on several examples. Praying is a very vital part of some people’s lives. Many people say a […]
Curses and spells
All the curses, evil charms or spells have but one goal: that of harming someone through magical actions, the aim of which is always to affect someone’s life through their possessions, well-being, family, or even themselves. But is it possible to counter curses and protect ourselves from them? Discover more now about curses and spells! The […]
Mont Saint Michel, a sacred place
From Australia to Europe and the Polar Circle, sacred and out-of-the-ordinary places can be found all over the world, places where men have been communing since the dawn of time. To begin this wonderful round-the-world trip, I suggest we stop in France, on the Mont Saint Michel … A wonder among Wonders What is called […]
The Art of Eating Well
Do you tend to eat your meals at the speed of light while you are busy doing something else? For instance, while you are watching television, you are also busy using your phone, AKA multi-tasking? As you can well imagine, such an attitude is not really a relaxing one…The Guardian Angel, to be specific does not like […]
Déjà vu meaning – Discover more about it and its definition
The Bermuda Triangle and its mysterious disappearances
The “Bermuda Triangle” is a place in the Atlantic Ocean where some planes and boats are said to have mysteriously disappeared for more than a century. How to explain this phenomenon? What secret does this unusual place hold? Disappearances that are both numerous and strange We have always known that the world is a great […]
Peridot Stone Guide
There are many stones and gems in the world that look otherworldly and for many, their appearance is the extent of this truth. In the case of the Peridot crystal, however, there are examples of these gems have arrived on Earth from 4.5 billion years of traveling around our solar systems: remnants of its formation. […]
How to Use Subconscious Mind Power
In this article, we’re going to explore a topic that delves deep into the world of psychology: your subconscious mind: More specifically, how to use subconscious mind power. If you’re unsure what exactly the subconscious mind is, not to worry. We’ll look at the power of the subconscious mind and why this may be holding […]