Learn About How Fuchsite Crystal Can Make Your Life Better
Commonly known as the “the happily ever after stone,” fuchsite is about happiness, joy and all good things in life. It is said to have a direct connection with the heavens above because of its holy looks. Fuchsite crystal is characterized by the green and gold sparkly flecks that make it different from the other […]
Fight Your Battles With Dumortierite Stone
There are a gazillion stones in the world all boasting special properties that help to make your life better. Each has unique features that can complement each other but not replace. One of the most prominent qualities of the dumortierite stone is that they teach you how to stand up for yourself. Read on to find […]
Celestite Is Your Shield against the World
The spiritual journey is a special one that only some of us get to embark upon. The journey is filled with difficulties and challenges. It can’t be completed without the assistance of our guardian angels. While this might seem absurd at first, angels are watching over us. If we can connect to them, they bestow […]
Fallen in life? Bronzite is your savior
As evident from the name, bronzite is a warrior stone that stands for confidence, courage, and strength. We’re faced with challenges in our life all the time. There are moments that we feel lost and helplessly unable to go on. Sometimes it’s the choices that confused us, and sometimes we lack the conviction to stand […]
Blue Lace Agate and What It All Means
Bloodstone – The Myths Unraveled
Azurite and How to Use the Stone for Healing
In a world full of crystals of all kinds of colors and shapes and qualities, Azurite is known for its striking appearance. It is mostly found in a blue shade which is one of its kinds. This blue stone has developed over time through many chemical reactions between copper, hydrogen, and oxygen. Azurite stone is also […]
Hypersensitive Personality vs Highly Sensitive Personality
Do you find crowds rather overwhelming? Do loud noises have a tendency to startle or even panic you? Do you prefer to play solo sports instead of team sports? If you answered yes to these questions then it’s possible that you could be hypersensitive. In this article, we are going to explore the Hypersensitive Personality. […]